Academic Environment


Banyam Seminary's importance to the Nigerian church cannot be overstated: it is the only United Methodist Seminary in a country where the church is growing 15% annually.  Yet, the school is under-funded and must make hard choices in areas of facilities and infrastructure.  Classrooms are very basic. Lack of electricity dictates holding classes and meetings during daylight hours. Books, (even Bibles) are in short supply and are  shared by students.  The BTS library is probably one of the better theological libraries in West Africa, yet its collection is relatively small, and the hot, humid climate is destructive to paper and book bindings.  A new asset to the seminary is the Communication and Research Lab, where 8 computer workstations provide students a satellite internet connection. This offers the first computer experience for many BTS students, and gives access to the whole world of theological thought.   The research lab is powered by a portable generator that is run in the afternoons as demand dictates.