Need for Scholarship Contributions

the need explained

The sad truth is that several students are turned away every year because of their inability to pay school fees.  This is unfortunate because each of these students has felt the call of God in their lives.  Supporting the BTS scholarship fund allows these students to stay in school, and helps to fund the operations of the seminary.  How can we help?  Funds are needed to offer scholarship assistance….any amount is welcome but the cost per student per year is $400. 

In addition, the Iowa Nigeria Partnership assists BTS lecturers with school fees as they pursue higher education, themselves.  A well-educated faculty is vital for seminary accreditation and for producing quality leadership for the growing church.  

What is needed:

Your contribution may go through the local church to the Iowa Conference Treasurer marked:  INP, #230, BTS Student Scholarships, or BTS Faculty Scholarships.


Rev. Yahuda Zailani, lecturer and provost at BTS, earned his Master's degree at Africa University with assistance from Iowa-Nigeria Partnership funding.  Well-educated teachers produce better pastors!  

Rev. Yahuda Zailani, lecturer and provost at BTS, earned his Master's degree at Africa University with assistance from Iowa-Nigeria Partnership funding.  Well-educated teachers produce better pastors!